A Voice for the Voiceless Towards the end of 2019 the General Presbytery of the Free Presbyterian Church of Ulster requested a meeting with Mr Julian Smith MP, Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, to highlight its opposition to the changes in law concerning same-sex marriage and abortion. At the same time, a press

Coronavirus and the Christian
Distinctives, Featured, Foundations, home_page, Issues
2020/04 Coronavirus and the Christian: The Rainbow through the Rain The lockdown, as a result of Covid-19, has generated an explosion of colourful rainbows in the front windows of many homes. It has been refreshing to witness this child-led, innocent solidarity and to recapture this Biblical symbol of promise and hope from the hands

Why do we have a Sunday Evening Service
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2020/04 Why do we have a Sunday Evening Service? The practice of holding a Sunday evening service has completely disappeared in many churches. Those who do keep an evening service have found that attendance is usually in decline. In light of this, we need to consider whether the practice of holding both a morning
The Jehovah’s Witnesses
Distinctives, Featured, Issues, Youth-issues
2018/09 The Jehovah’s Witnesses One of the most prevalent religious sects active in our province today is the self-styled Jehovah’s Witnesses (JW). They are active in 240 lands with a claimed 120,053 congregations. As of 2017, they had 8,457,107 active members. Their yearly “Memorial of Christ’s Death” was attended by 20,175,477 people last year,
The Drugs Problem
Issues, Youth-issues
2018/07 The Drugs Problem Humanly speaking, man is unable to solve the drugs dilemma. This is because man fails to address the core issue - the real problem. The heart of the problem is the problem of the heart. The problem of drug use in Northern Ireland has become an increasing concern. A decade ago
The Protestant at the Mass
Distinctives, Issues, Youth-issues
2018/07 The Protestant at the Mass - Should I Attend or Not? This is a question that arises from time to time. A Roman Catholic whom we know through work, social connections or family links passes away and we ask, “Should I attend the funeral mass? Would it be rude if I do not attend?
Featured, home_page, Issues
2018/05 Chris-like Christians According to his teaching, “neighbour” crosses all boundaries, real or imagined, of culture, class or creed; and according to the commandment we are to love them as ourselves. So we are Christians – but what does that really mean? Followers of Christ, yes; devoted to His Word, of course; and having a

Distinctives, Issues, Youth-issues
2017/09 Martin Luther and Christian Education For you cannot teach an old dog new tricks, and it is hard to reform old sinners, but it is easy to train and bend young trees. Martin Luther recognised the importance of establishing Christian schools as part of the work of Reformation. It is sometimes forgotten that the
2013/03 ABORTION
So abortion is illegal in Northern Ireland? If only it were as simple as that! Abortions are being carried out every week in hospitals and clinics throughout the province.
2015/05 Power of the Cross If we want to see souls saved we must proclaim the work of Christ on the cross – that was the mind-set of the Apostle Paul. His love for souls ensured that he did all he could to see those souls come to a saving knowledge of God. Thus, in