A Voice for the Voiceless Towards the end of 2019 the General Presbytery of the Free Presbyterian Church of Ulster requested a meeting with Mr Julian Smith MP, Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, to highlight its opposition to the changes in law concerning same-sex marriage and abortion. At the same time, a press

Coronavirus and the Christian
Distinctives, Featured, Foundations, home_page, Issues
2020/04 Coronavirus and the Christian: The Rainbow through the Rain The lockdown, as a result of Covid-19, has generated an explosion of colourful rainbows in the front windows of many homes. It has been refreshing to witness this child-led, innocent solidarity and to recapture this Biblical symbol of promise and hope from the hands

Why do we have a Sunday Evening Service
Distinctives, Featured, Foundations, home_page, Issues
2020/04 Why do we have a Sunday Evening Service? The practice of holding a Sunday evening service has completely disappeared in many churches. Those who do keep an evening service have found that attendance is usually in decline. In light of this, we need to consider whether the practice of holding both a morning
Devotional, Foundations, home_page
2018/05 Wanted - Worshipers It is a mark of the incredible love of God that He invites sinners to worship Him and provides the way for them to come. It’s not too difficult to find worshippers. Worship, in a broad sense, simply speaks of placing something as the supreme object of your affections and adoration.
home_page, Youth-doctrine
2018/05 All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name Rev E P Scott, a missionary to India, one day saw a man who was very clearly a stranger in the city. He knew that this man was lost and unsure as to where he was trying to get to. Mr Scott approached the man and started
Featured, home_page, Issues
2018/05 Chris-like Christians According to his teaching, “neighbour” crosses all boundaries, real or imagined, of culture, class or creed; and according to the commandment we are to love them as ourselves. So we are Christians – but what does that really mean? Followers of Christ, yes; devoted to His Word, of course; and having a
Devotional, home_page
2018/05 Christ Honouring the Law Assured that the righteousness of the law is fulfilled in us through the righteousness of Christ, we say with Paul: ‘For to me to live is Christ and to die is gain’ The Lord has a high and holy regard for His own law and will have its honour maintained.